Why International Women in Engineering Day Matters: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM

International Women in Engineering Day is on the 23rd of June. Celebrating the achievements of women in a field where they are often underrepresented, we’re shining a spotlight on the current landscape for women in STEM and how In-Comm Training is working to bridge the gender skills divide. 

Why International Women in Engineering Day is important

International Women in Engineering Day is being celebrated on June 23, 2024, marking the eleventh year of this important event. Established by the Women’s Engineering Society, the day aims to showcase the incredible contributions of women engineers worldwide, providing them with a well-deserved platform in an industry where they are often underrepresented. The event also aims to inspire and encourage more women and girls to pursue STEM careers, emphasising their vital role in shaping the future of engineering and technology.

This year’s theme is #Enhancedbyengineering, where we will be celebrating the contributions women engineers make to support our lives and livelihoods every day. You can find out more about International Women in Engineering Day here.

Understanding the current landscape for women in STEM

Though there are now nearly over one million women working in STEM, a significant milestone, gender disparity remains a significant issue within the industry:

1.Only 12% of engineers in the UK are female. 

2.Only a quarter of girls aged 16-18 would consider a career in industry.

Find out more in our ‘Simple Guide to Apprenticeships’

How can more women enter STEM?

When it comes to getting more women interested in the sector, early career intervention is key. Reportedly, nearly a quarter of UK adults think there needs to be more encouragement from when girls are young for them to pursue a career in STEM.

Having more access to female role models, through literature, workshops and media, could be one route to encourage more women to enter the STEM workforce, with a reported 60% of women working in STEM careers having been inspired by role models, compared to only 46% of men. Promoting mentorship programs, celebrating female achievements in STEM, and integrating STEM education into the school curriculum can further support this goal. By addressing these factors, we can create a more inclusive and diverse STEM industry.

The role of training and professional development

We’re working hard to change these stats and challenge gender stereotypes within the engineering and manufacturing sector. Our STEM Engagement Fund aims to engage young students of all backgrounds, with workshops, education into STEM pathways, and taster days where they can meet fellow apprentices and experience engineering and manufacturing. 

Our In-Comm Ambassadors, work with young people and those looking to change their careers at our open and taster days, providing knowledge and insight into the life of apprenticeships and STEM. Discover Katie’s story below, who is one of our Ambassadors who works for PCP Gratings as a CAD engineer. 


International Women in Engineering Day is a crucial reminder of the ongoing need for gender equality in STEM fields. By cultivating early interest through mentorship, fostering diverse role models, and promoting inclusive educational initiatives, we can work to create a more diverse engineering and manufacturing sector and reduce the gender skills divide. 

Useful resources 

Community Engagement: 

We have used support from the European Social Fund (ESF) to develop several initiatives to help prospective students gain insight into the 40 different apprenticeship routes that we offer across our technical academies. Find out more.

A simple guide to apprenticeships: 

Dive into the world of apprenticeships as a learner or employer with our ‘Simple Guide to Apprenticeships’ – Download your copy.